- Governing agency: Institute for Tropical Technology, Vietnam Academy for Science and Technology
- Name of journal: Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology (Tiếng Anh).
- ISSN: 2525-2518 (print); 2815-5874 (online).
- Was accepted into SCOPUS on November 2022 and Asean Citation Index (ACI) in 2017.
+ Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Thai Hoang.
+ Deputy Editor-in-Chief: 1) Prof. Dr. Phạm Quoc Long; 2) Prof. Dr. Vu Dinh Lam.
- Editorial Board: 55 members
- Volume: 6 issues /year
- Publishing language: English (Since 2017); Vietnamese and English (1962-2017).
- The first publishing: 1962
- Issuing: Vietnam and international.
- Editorial office: Floor 1st , Publishing House for Science and Technology, Building A16, No. 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Ha Noi.
- Website: https://vjs.ac.vn/index.php/jst