Chapter 8. Fracture Mechanics
8.1. Cracks and Fracture 283
8.1.1. Bonding force and separation 283
8.1.2. Stress intensities near crack tip 285
8.1.3. Crack resistance force 288
8.1.4. J-integral 289
8.1.5. Elastic-plastic fracture 290
8.1.6. Stable crack growth 295
8.1.7. Mixed-mode loading and crack growth direction 296
8.1.8. Dynamic fracture 299
8.1.9. Fragmentation 304
8.2. Fatigue 305
8.3. Damage Mechanics 309
8.4. Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics 314
8.4.1. Foundations 315
8.4.2. Statistical fracture concept of Weibull 317
8.4.3. Probabilistic fracture mechanical analysis 320
8.5. Contact Mechanics 322
8.5.1. Hertzian theory of non-adhesive elastic contact 322
8.5.2. Adhesive contact between elastic bodies 325
8.5.3. Frictional contact 327